Please go to the page which best describes what you're looking for.
Are You A Total Beginner?
My beginning methods are aimed at total beginners.
I assume that you might know which side of the harmonica to aim at your face.
(Hint: It's the side with the ten little holes. Can't get much sound out of the other side.)
But that's about it. Please check out these products if you're a beginner.
Are You Self-Taught?
If you've taught yourself harmonica, even though you may be able to play fairly well, it might still be worth your while to spend a few hours with one of my basic methods.
That's because I've found that some pretty good, long-time blues harpists have missed out on some important basic information... Including myself, for many years.
As Stanley, in Idaho, said: “I learned more in 15 minutes from your book than I’d learned in the rest of my harp-playing life (25 years)!”
Most of my workshop students today can play better after a week with me, than I could after two or three years of learning all by myself.
Most of my private students can play better blues and rock harp after one hour than I could after three or four months on my own.
For Intermediate and Advanced Players
Most beginning students can spend a few hours or days with one of my beginning methods, and are then ready to start working with these products!
Bending Notes, Tone Effects, and "Positions" are all things that advanced beginners should know about, intermediate players should be working on, and advanced players should be honing to the max!
For Better Breathing
I have a number of programs for people with COPD or asthma, or for athletes, who want to improve their breathing.
What could be a more entertaining way of doing that, than through the harmonica?

For Children!
You're never too young (or too old) to start becoming musical. Parents, click here!
Does Your Business or Non-Profit Organization or School Need Stress Reduction or Team-Building?
I’ve done hundreds of corporate presentations for groups ranging from Ben & Jerry’s to the FBI.
Please visit
For details.